Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Атмосферный генератор воды 22,000 русский рубль

атмосферный водный генератор 22,000 русский рубль 

Атмосферный генератор воды, Чистая питьевая вода из воздуха
От 30 до 5000 литров в день от воздуха, которым мы все дышим 

Атмосферный генератор воды 26,000 русский рубль

атмосферный водный генератор 26,000 русский рубль 

Атмосферный генератор воды, Чистая питьевая вода из воздуха
От 30 до 5000 литров в день от воздуха, которым мы все дышим

атмосферный водный генератор 22,000 русский рубль

атмосферный водный генератор 22,000 русский рубль

Атмосферный генератор воды, Чистая питьевая вода из воздуха
От 30 до 5000 литров в день от воздуха, которым мы все дышим 

Атмосферный генератор воды 22,000 русский рубль

атмосферный водный генератор 22,000 русский рубль

Атмосферный генератор воды, Чистая питьевая вода из воздуха

От 15 до 5000 литров в день от воздуха, которым мы все дышим 


Monday, August 5, 2013

атмосферный водный генератор Россия

атмосферный водный генератор Россия
WaterMicronWorld Атмосферный генератор воды – это уникальный прибор, который производит чистую питьевую воду путем извлечения ее из окружающего воздуха. Атмосферные генераторы воды WaterMicronWorld устанавливаются в офисах, загородных домах, городских квартирах, медицинских и спортивных центрах, автосалонах и т.д., обеспечивая их питьевой водой 24 часа в сутки, 7 дней в неделю, 365 дней в году. Генератор WaterMicronWorld  производит до 30 литров питьевой воды в сутки. Интерфейс прибора выполнен в виде большого сенсорного экрана с мягкой голубой подсветкой, реагирующего на легкие прикосновения.
В атмосфере планеты постоянно находится около 21 миллиарда литров воды (21 000 км3) в испаренном состоянии. Итак, как же оттуда взять воду для питья? Воздух, проходя через электростатический фильтр попадает в конденсатор, где он охлаждается до точки Росы и пар, который в нем присутствует, превращается в воду. Вода стекает в лоток сбора воды, и, пройдя через цеолитовый фильтр, попадает в нижний накопительный бак. Здесь вода проходит первую стерилизацию ультрафиолетом. Затем, насос высокого давления прокачивает воду через систему фильтров и она попадает в верхний накопительный бак объемом 12,5 л. Здесь происходит второй этап стерилизации ультрафиолетом. Из накопительного верхнего резервуара вода пополняет бак холодной воды (температура 4-10 , объем 2 л.); и бак горячей воды (температура 90-95 , объем 1,8 л.) На выходе из холодного бака в магистрали установлена третья ультрафиолетовая лампа для 100%-го обеззараживания питьевой воды.
WaterMicronWorld генераторы атмосферной воды Производит чистую питьевую воду из воздуха мы все дышим.
Родник чистой воды у Вас в доме, квартире, офисе, на даче, яхте. Не надо труб, шлангов прозрачных бочек. Вам потребуется только розетка 220V.
Производите питьевую воду сами и будьте уверены в её качестве! У Вас будет чистая, по-настоящему «живая» вода из воздуха, которым мы дышим! Нет хлорки, алюминия, меди, железа, сульфатов, ржавчины, нитратов, ионов тяжелых металлов, бактерий.
Это последнее поколение высокотехнологичного бытового оборудования, генерирует чистую питьевую воду из воздуха и выдает ее в охлажденном (+5°С - +8°С) или подогретом (+92°С - +95°С) состоянии. По виду очень напоминает традиционный кулер.
Такая структурированная, чистая питьевая вода как роса, крайне необходима человеческому организму в наших условиях дефицита качественной питьевой воды.


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Atmospheric Water Generator THAILAND

WaterMicronWorld, the world’s leading supplier of Atmospheric Water Generators confirms launch of a Renewable Energy Investment Fund in weeks.  

Flow Innovation Technology, a solution to help solve the Global Water Crisis.  

Flow Innovation Technology, developed by WaterMicronWorld (WMW) is set to revolutionize the water generation industry, by producing Pure Drinking Water without “Humidity”.
Many of us take clean water for granted. But in some parts of the developing world, waterborne illness is both common and life-threatening. Fifty percent of the world’s hospital beds are filled with people suffering from water-related illnesses, and 6,000 children die every day from diseases associated with lack of access to safe drinking water, inadequate sanitation, and poor hygiene.

Climate change, population growth and industrial activity are increasing pressure on our local water supplies. When water levels drop, human health and the environment are put at serious risk. Lower water levels can contribute to higher concentrations of natural and human pollutants.

“Is Water the new Oil? Yes, absolutely” said the WMW CEO Mr.Rodriquez.

“Business and revenue potential is huge, from setting up a large scale water generation plant producing literally millions of liters per day without putting an additional stress on current supplies” he added.

Keeping this in mind, WMW is keen to develop its business specifically across the Middle East Region and worldwide in general. To help finance their expansion, WMW are planning to launch a WMW Renewable Energy Investment Fund within the next few weeks. Initially the offering will be limited to investors through private placement. Rodriguez further revealed “the business and revenue potential is huge, from setting up a large scale water generation plant producing millions of liters per day with Government support to increase water capacity to the current water supply. Or imagine working with master developers to provide an eco friendly and green alternative, generating water supply for the new developments without putting an additional stress on current supplies. We could even supply smaller scale water generation units producing 600 liters per day for individual households. Our technology provides us the ability to be flexible in providing water generating systems starting from 100 liters a day capacity for individual use, all the way up to large scale water generation plants producing millions of liters a day. The opportunities are endless”, he concluded.

  “Personally I believe, having the opportunity to invest in FIT through the Fund really is a once in a life time opportunity, as FIT certainly has the potential to be the next "billion dollar industry" in the Middle East” he further stated.

WaterMicronWorld (WMW) is the world’s leading supplier of Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG’s), directly and as an OEM operator, supplying over 70% of the AWG market. Atmospheric Water Generation is based on producing water from the humidity in the air.

For further details please contact:

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Atmospheric Water Generator Dubai Confirms Investment Fund

WaterMicronWorld, the world’s leading supplier of Atmospheric Water Generators confirms launch of a Renewable Energy Investment Fund in weeks.  

Flow Innovation Technology, a solution to help solve the Global Water Crisis.  

Flow Innovation Technology, developed by WaterMicronWorld (WMW) is set to revolutionize the water generation industry, by producing Pure Drinking Water without “Humidity”.
Many of us take clean water for granted. But in some parts of the developing world, waterborne illness is both common and life-threatening. Fifty percent of the world’s hospital beds are filled with people suffering from water-related illnesses, and 6,000 children die every day from diseases associated with lack of access to safe drinking water, inadequate sanitation, and poor hygiene.

Climate change, population growth and industrial activity are increasing pressure on our local water supplies. When water levels drop, human health and the environment are put at serious risk. Lower water levels can contribute to higher concentrations of natural and human pollutants.

“Is Water the new Oil? Yes, absolutely” said the WMW CEO Mr.Rodriquez.




“Business and revenue potential is huge, from setting up a large scale water generation plant producing literally millions of liters per day without putting an additional stress on current supplies” he added.
Keeping this in mind, WMW is keen to develop its business specifically across the Middle East Region and worldwide in general. To help finance their expansion, WMW are planning to launch a WMW Renewable Energy Investment Fund within the next few weeks. Initially the offering will be limited to investors through private placement. Rodriguez further revealed “the business and revenue potential is huge, from setting up a large scale water generation plant producing millions of liters per day with Government support to increase water capacity to the current water supply. Or imagine working with master developers to provide an eco friendly and green alternative, generating water supply for the new developments without putting an additional stress on current supplies. We could even supply smaller scale water generation units producing 600 liters per day for individual households. Our technology provides us the ability to be flexible in providing water generating systems starting from 100 liters a day capacity for individual use, all the way up to large scale water generation plants producing millions of liters a day. The opportunities are endless”, he concluded.
“We believe WMW has the key to solving the global water crisis through FIT and world's most terrible waterborne diseases, through the development of this latest cutting edge technology”, commented Miran Ellahee CEO of M-Energy Limited a leading renewable energy company,  “Personally I believe, having the opportunity to invest in FIT through the Fund really is a once in a life time opportunity, as FIT certainly has the potential to be the next "billion dollar industry" in the Middle East” he further stated.
WaterMicronWorld (WMW) is the world’s leading supplier of Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG’s), directly and as an OEM operator, supplying over 70% of the AWG market. Atmospheric Water Generation is based on producing water from the humidity in the air.
For further details please contact:


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Atmospheric Water Generator INDIA

Atmospheric Water Generator INDIA
Making Water From The Air We Breathe
Products Produce Pure Drinking Water
From 15 to 5000Liters Per Day From The Air We All Breathe.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Atmospheric Water Generator INDIA, ABU DHABI, EGYPT

WaterMicronWorld, the world’s leading supplier of Atmospheric Water Generators looking at Middle East expansion. WaterMicronWorld, Ltd plans to introduce their newly patented water generation Flow Innovation Technology, with a Regional Head Office and light assembly facilities intended within the GCC.
WaterMicronWorld (WMW) is the world’s leading supplier of Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG’s), directly and as an OEM operator, supplying over 70% of the AWG market. Atmospheric Water Generation is based on producing water from the humidity in the air.
WMW is now delighted to announce the launch of their new water generation Flow Innovation Technology. WMW has developed the latest cutting edge technology in water generation, which is set to revolutionize the water generation industry of AWG, and can now produce Pure Drinking Water without “Humidity”.
WMW has already patented the technology and showcased our technology in front of the United Nationals and World Health Organization, amongst others and are now ready to bring it to the Middle East market. Initial discussions with several Governmental Agencies around the world have been very encouraging with potentials orders of between $35 -$200m are currently under discussion, including setting up a water generation plant to supply water to Tanjong Agas Oil & Gas project in Malaysia.
It’s a home-grown technology that many say could be bigger than Biofuels. It has the potential to be the next “billion dollar industry”….
During the launch reception held at their offices yesterday Mr.Rodriguez President of Water Micron World explained, “Currently the GCC has the lowest recoverable fresh water resource in the MEA Region, with only 3 cu per km. At The Earth Summit 2012 in Rio special attention was drawn to the fact that by 2025 water shortages will be most prevalent, where resources are already limited, and experiencing rapid population expansion such as Africa, the Middle East and parts of Africa. With the introduction of this new technology, we are in a position to provide a cost effective solution to help combat the growing water shortage across the Region”.
Keeping this in mind, WMW is keen to develop its business across the Middle East Region with a strong local partner. Rodriguez further revealed “the business and revenue potential is huge, from setting up a large scale water generation plant producing millions of liters per day with Government support to increase water capacity to the current water supply. Or imagine working with master developers to provide an eco-friendly and green alternative, generating water supply for the new developments without putting an additional stress on current supplies. We could even supply smaller scale water generation units producing 600 liters per day for individual households. Our technology provides us the ability to be flexible in providing water generating systems starting from 100 liters a day capacity for individual use, all the way up to large scale water generation plants producing millions of liters a day. The opportunities are endless”, he concluded.

For further details contact: info@watermicronworld.com.

Website: www.watermicronworld.com

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Atmospheric Water Generator ABU DHABI,DUBAI

WaterMicronWorld, the world’s leading supplier of Atmospheric Water Generators looking at Middle East expansion. WaterMicronWorld, Ltd plans to introduce their newly patented water generation Flow Innovation Technology, with a Regional Head Office and light assembly facilities intended within the GCC.
WaterMicronWorld (WMW) is the world’s leading supplier of Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG’s), directly and as an OEM operator, supplying over 70% of the AWG market. Atmospheric Water Generation is based on producing water from the humidity in the air.
WMW is now delighted to announce the launch of their new water generation Flow Innovation Technology. WMW has developed the latest cutting edge technology in water generation, which is set to revolutionize the water generation industry of AWG, and can now produce Pure Drinking Water without “Humidity”.
WMW has already patented the technology and showcased our technology in front of the United Nationals and World Health Organization, amongst others and are now ready to bring it to the Middle East market. Initial discussions with several Governmental Agencies around the world have been very encouraging with potentials orders of between $35 -$200m are currently under discussion, including setting up a water generation plant to supply water to Tanjong Agas Oil & Gas project in Malaysia.
It’s a home-grown technology that many say could be bigger than Biofuels. It has the potential to be the next “billion dollar industry”….
During the launch reception held at their offices yesterday Mr.Rodriguez President of WaterMicron World explained, “Currently the GCC has the lowest recoverable fresh water resource in the MEA Region, with only 3 cu per km. At The Earth Summit 2012 in Rio special attention was drawn to the fact that by 2025 water shortages will be most prevalent, where resources are already limited, and experiencing rapid population expansion such as Africa, the Middle East and parts of Africa. With the introduction of this new technology, we are in a position to provide a cost effective solution to help combat the growing water shortage across the Region”.
Keeping this in mind, WMW is keen to develop its business across the Middle East Region with a strong local partner. Rodriguez further revealed “the business and revenue potential is huge, from setting up a large scale water generation plant producing millions of liters per day with Government support to increase water capacity to the current water supply. Or imagine working with master developers to provide an eco-friendly and green alternative, generating water supply for the new developments without putting an additional stress on current supplies. We could even supply smaller scale water generation units producing 600 liters per day for individual households. Our technology provides us the ability to be flexible in providing water generating systems starting from 100 liters a day capacity for individual use, all the way up to large scale water generation plants producing millions of liters a day. The opportunities are endless”, he concluded.

For further details contact:

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Atmospheric Water Generator EGYPT, ABU DHABI

WaterMicronWorld, the world’s leading supplier of Atmospheric Water Generators looking at Middle East expansion. WaterMicronWorld, Ltd plans to introduce their newly patented water generation Flow Innovation Technology, with a Regional Head Office and light assembly facilities intended within the GCC.
WaterMicronWorld (WMW) is the world’s leading supplier of Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG’s), directly and as an OEM operator, supplying over 70% of the AWG market. Atmospheric Water Generation is based on producing water from the humidity in the air.
WMW is now delighted to announce the launch of their new water generation Flow Innovation Technology. WMW has developed the latest cutting edge technology in water generation, which is set to revolutionize the water generation industry of AWG, and can now produce Pure Drinking Water without “Humidity”.
WMW has already patented the technology and showcased our technology in front of the United Nationals and World Health Organization, amongst others and are now ready to bring it to the Middle East market. Initial discussions with several Governmental Agencies around the world have been very encouraging with potentials orders of between $35 -$200m are currently under discussion, including setting up a water generation plant to supply water to Tanjong Agas Oil & Gas project in Malaysia.
It’s a home-grown technology that many say could be bigger than Biofuels. It has the potential to be the next “billion dollar industry”….
During the launch reception held at their offices yesterday Mr.Rodriguez President of Water Micron World explained, “Currently the GCC has the lowest recoverable fresh water resource in the MEA Region, with only 3 cu per km. At The Earth Summit 2012 in Rio special attention was drawn to the fact that by 2025 water shortages will be most prevalent, where resources are already limited, and experiencing rapid population expansion such as Africa, the Middle East and parts of Africa. With the introduction of this new technology, we are in a position to provide a cost effective solution to help combat the growing water shortage across the Region”.
Keeping this in mind, WMW is keen to develop its business across the Middle East Region with a strong local partner. Rodriguez further revealed “the business and revenue potential is huge, from setting up a large scale water generation plant producing millions of liters per day with Government support to increase water capacity to the current water supply. Or imagine working with master developers to provide an eco-friendly and green alternative, generating water supply for the new developments without putting an additional stress on current supplies. We could even supply smaller scale water generation units producing 600 liters per day for individual households. Our technology provides us the ability to be flexible in providing water generating systems starting from 100 liters a day capacity for individual use, all the way up to large scale water generation plants producing millions of liters a day. The opportunities are endless”, he concluded.
For further details contact:

Website: http://www.watermicronworld.com


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Atmospheric Water Generator Egypt

                                                 Atmospheric Water Generator Egypt

         Our Atmospheric Water Generator produce pure drinking water from the air we breathe.
                                                       From 15 to 5000Liters per day.

Contact: info@watermicronworld.com
Website: www.watermicronworld.com